Downsizing for Seniors: Tips for a Better Move in Fall River

Downsizing Move for SeniorsOne of the most difficult aspects of moving can be having to downsize your belongings. However, moving can be a great opportunity to go through your things, find out what you want and don’t want, take time to donate things in good condition that you no longer need to local charities, as well as toss the things that are broken or no longer useful. Unfortunately, this can be difficult with seniors who are already having to deal with the idea of moving from the independence of their own homes to live with family members or go into assisted living situations. Whatever the particular details of your situation, having an understanding about downsizing and how it can help in just about any type of move, will help you to facilitate it much better.

One way to help a senior loved one or friend who is having to deal with downsizing is to suggest storage for rent in Fall River. Affordable Storage is a self-storage facility that can help people to reduce household clutter, safely store the things they still want but no longer need or use on a daily basis, and it is a great way to help seniors who need to downsize to move from a large home down to a smaller apartment or room. It can be difficult to choose what to bring when having to move in this type of situation and, rather than throwing out important memories, furniture and appliances, taking advantage of our Fall River storage facility can be an option that is pleasing to everyone.

Putting Away, Not Letting Go
One way that using storage for rent in Fall River is one of our tips for a better move in a situation involving downsizing seniors is that the goal here is to simply put away the furniture and things that they won’t be using at the new location rather than letting it all go or throwing it away. Think about all of the things that you have in your own life that hold special meaning to you, and then imagine being told that you have to get rid of it all to move into a place that you most likely don’t want to move into anyway. Oh – and all of this probably isn’t your idea in the first place. No wonder so many seniors resist moving into the assisted living situations that would help them to have a better quality of life, choosing instead to go it alone in a big house all by themselves.

Learn how to pack things up with the senior that is downsizing, going through all of the things that will be stored, carefully labeling boxes and marking what went where. This will be useful information in case they need you to retrieve something from the Fall River storage facility for them. Some people go all out, creating a spreadsheet and labeling boxes alphabetically and numerically so they can find things even faster when they visit the storage facility. Pick a letter for each room, such as A for Living Room, B for Kitchen, C for Bedroom, etc. and then label each box for that room in numerical order, such as A1, A2, A3 and include a description of what is in each box.

Examples of smart packing and tracking of items would be:

  • Box A1 – Living Room – framed photos, artwork, and throw pillows
  • Box B1 – Kitchen – pots and pans, plastic storage containers
  • Box C1 – Bedroom – winter clothes, extra sheets

Organizing Your Storage Unit
There are lots of ways to organize the boxes and furniture once you get to your storage for rent in Fall River. Some people stack boxes according to the rooms that they came from, while others use even more elaborate measures. You can even get metal shelving units and put them inside of your storage unit for safer stacking and better organization. These tips can also be used to reduce household clutter in just about any moving or organizational situation. Remember to stack boxes from the heaviest down on the bottom to the lightest up on top, to prevent heavy boxes from falling onto lighter boxes and crushing the carton and the things inside.

You can even use plastic storage bins and label them in the same way. Plastic bins are seen by many as being far superior to cardboard boxes when used inside of a Fall River storage facility. Plastic bins provide more protection from potential issues, such as dust and dirt, temperature extremes, moisture, pests and anything else that could go wrong. It pays to choose a quality storage facility like Affordable Storage in Fall River to avoid moist of these issues, but accidents happen anywhere you go, so it can be helpful to take the necessary steps to protect your belongings in advance for any type of situation. Cover furniture with moving blankets or wrap it in plastic for even more protection.

Contact Affordable Storage Fall River
If you are interested in getting pricing or checking availability on storage for rent in Fall River, give us a call at 508-675-1177. Our team can help you choose the best storage solutions that will assist with your unique downsizing situation. Whether your goal is to simply reduce household clutter or if you are moving into assisted living, these tips for a better move can help you in many ways. Contact our Fall River storage facility and also ask about RV, boat, motorcycle and car storage for short or long term storage solutions.